Myanmar Community Development ProjectSafe Water for Every Child Myanmar has successfully delivered and installed four ROAMfilter Plus systems to Karen communities in Myanmar. The filters were installed in the medical center or school of four Karen villages: Thu Nu Hset Lah (Middle School), Yee Kho Loh Der (Medical Center), Lu Thaw (Medical Center) and Htee Moo Khee (High School).
Due to strict Covid-19 restrictions, the completion of the project was delayed and we were unable to deploy the filters as soon as we hoped. However, over the months, our partner organisation worked tirelessly on the ground and our filters travelled long distances by plane, car, boat and on foot before reaching the remote communities that desperately need these life-saving essentials. With improved accessibility to clean water, we hope to continue to empower communities like these to fulfil their greatest potential. |
January 2021
June 2020
Disease Prevention in Myanmar
325 people reached
During this challenging time of restricted travel and mobilization, Safe Water for Every Child Myanmar is leaving no community behind! They recently deployed a ROAMfilter™ Plus in the remote community of Htee Thay Kee, Myanmar, providing clean drinking water to the population there. While there have been no detected cases of COVID-19, cholera and diarrhea are common and dangerous. Community hygiene education was provided on ways to prevent disease, with resources such as cups, safe water containers, and soap distributed to the school and community to fight against COVID-19. In total, 325 beneficiaries and 1 medic station were impacted, including 50 students. We are thankful to Safe Water for Every Child Myanmar for making this happen!
Myanmar Flood Relief with Red Cross
250 households reached
Singapore Red Cross carried out a relief aid mission after the disastrous floods and landslides that affected ten states and regions in Myanmar. During the months of June to August 2018, floods and landslides which were caused by the heavy monsoon, destroyed roads and bridges, which isolated whole communities from their basic needs. On 14 August 2018, Singapore Red Cross headed to Sar Phyu Su Village, Ban Dar Village and A Yoe Pone Village in Myanmar and distributed relief supplies to nearly 250 households. Their relief efforts were greatly aided by eight units of the ROAMfilter™ Plus which helped treat the contaminated water sources daily for the communities supported.
August 2018
August 2015
Myanmar Flood Relief2500 residents reachedFour states and regions in Myanmar - Rakhine, Sagaing, Magway and Ayeryarwady were hit badly by torrential floods that caused tens of thousands of people to have lack of access to clean water for bathing, washing and drinking. Save the Children also stated that "more than 100,000 children [did not] have enough food and access to clean drinking water". Wateroam is thankful to have been able to provide Myanmar with clean drinking water through the efforts of donors and supporters from all over the world, with our ROAMfilter™ Lite water filter bags deployed by