The Steps to SUCCESS from Safe to SustainableLast month, we hosted a webinar to share the knowledge and resources we’ve learned over 7 years of experience providing safe water to rural, remote and disaster-affected communities. Clean water is crucial everyday to prevent disease transmission, but its even more significant during a global pandemic! Communities all over the world are in need of clean water for drinking and handwashing, so we created this webinar to empower organizations and communities worldwide with the confidence to take on these water projects during a time when we're unable to travel and assist from the ground. Click to watch the webinar or scroll down to get access to the resources In this webinar, you will learn the steps to follow for a successful water project that will ensure effectiveness and sustainability. We’ll take you through our very own Implementing Safe Water Projects Handbook to identify the needs of the community and vulnerable populations. We’ll teach you how to identify potential water sources and test their quality to determine which treatment methods will be required to make that water source safe. We’ll introduce you to basic water treatment methods and show you how to choose the best installation point. We also share with you a budget sheet to help calculate the cost of this water project, and then we give you an easy-to-follow implementation guide to guide you through deployment. Then, we share a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to ensure sustainable integration and uptake of the safe water project with the community. At Wateroam, we constantly self-assess how we manage our deployments, so we’ll also share our Post-Implementation Evaluation form so you can identify your water project's achievements and any areas of improvement or key learnings. Simply complete the form below for FULL ACCESS to our content
Blog Author: Michelle Falcone
Chief Editor: Michelle Falcone
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