In Singapore, we're now counting the numbers of more than one outbreak. As we strive to bring the coronavirus caseload under control, cases of dengue fever have increased significantly in recent weeks. As lock-down eases, we have to be more cautious outside than ever before, as the National Environmental Agency (NEA) expects this to be the worst dengue outbreak in Singapore’s history, believing it will exceed the 2013 record high of over 22,000 cases. The aedes mosquito, responsible for dengue, breeds in stagnant water, making dengue a water-related disease, and more specifically a vector-borne disease. In addition to water's importance for life and growth, when unclean, it has the potential to cause serious threats to daily living. There are a plethora of water-related diseases that are a danger to quality of life around the world. To best examine these diseases, we begin by understanding the 4 categories of water-related diseases.
WATER- BORNE DISEASES We begin with Water-borne diseases, infections that are spread through the consumption of contaminated water. The table below briefly summarizes the key points of the diseases. If you would like to know more, check out our slideshow below!
WATER-WASH DISEASES The next type of diseases we will explore is Water-Wash diseases. Sometimes referred to as water-scarce diseases, these diseases are the result of a lack water to help individuals maintain good standards of personal hygiene.
VECTOR-BORNE DISEASES The next category of water-related diseases are vector-borne diseases. These diseases depend on other organisms that specifically require water as a medium to reproduce.
WATER-BASED DISEASES The final category we will highlight one water-based disease, although there are more. These diseases are spread by the consumption of various uncooked or raw marine invertebrate.
Did you notice a common factor between these water-related diseases? Nearly all result from drinking contaminated water, producing the common symptom of diarrhea. Diarrhea, in countries with improper sanitation, can easily contaminate further water sources, thus encouraging this vicious cycle. The importance of clean drinking water cannot be further emphasized, especially in such unprecedented times. We are offering a discount for the ROAMfilter Plus that provides access to clean drinking water for up to two years. If you know of a community or anyone in need of clean water, please fill out the contact form or visit the online store here. Blog Author: Juliano Prastyo Chief Editor: Michelle Falcone
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Water Facts